2007年12月31日 星期一
新年快樂!香港天氣非常寒冷.昨晚氣温只有10度,跟老公回長洲吃晚飯但人非常之多.原本打邊爐,但沒有位.只有吃西餐.11時左右到Garden Cafe跟朋友一同倒數玩得很開心.但天氣太凍了只可早點回家,哈!哈!回家時己差不多三點了!!!!
2007年12月30日 星期日
31/12/2007,很多同事問今晚去那慶祝倒數2008的來臨.不知是否年紀大了.哈!哈!不想和別人一同到尖沙咀,中環或別的地方迫.昨年的尖沙咀行怕怕了.北new york更多人.因為香港細嗎?好鴣的用2007的最後一天。感謝神的領!願與神有和好的關係!
2007年12月29日 星期六
2007年10月25日 星期四
2007年3月14日 星期三
I'm so happy find a job.Even I'm have training in
a month.In between that I'm have get a test to
become fulltime worker,but I'm will do my best to
learn.Now I'm have learn my homework listen to God
more.Learn follow his step.This not easy but I'm
know my brothers and sisters will prey for me.thank
a month.In between that I'm have get a test to
become fulltime worker,but I'm will do my best to
learn.Now I'm have learn my homework listen to God
more.Learn follow his step.This not easy but I'm
know my brothers and sisters will prey for me.thank
2007年3月11日 星期日
I'm moved to Hong Kong almost 3 months.Time for me looking for a
job.I'm had diffence interview.It's not as simple as I'm thought.
Even I'm haven't got a job yet.Thank you Lord give me peace and
wonderful husband.(of cause my brother and sister in New York)
They pray for us in Hong Kong.I'm miss all.
job.I'm had diffence interview.It's not as simple as I'm thought.
Even I'm haven't got a job yet.Thank you Lord give me peace and
wonderful husband.(of cause my brother and sister in New York)
They pray for us in Hong Kong.I'm miss all.
2007年2月17日 星期六
2007年2月9日 星期五
2007年2月7日 星期三
Cooking 3
Everytime when we or myself pass
by IFC mall in Central.I'm love
to stop by Citysuper,they had
all difference kind of food.Price,
if you get the items or food on
sale same as in New York.This
Japenese hotpot and sushi only
$600 hk dollars.Of cause some
of the staff you're never get
as cheap as in HK.
2007年2月6日 星期二
Cheung Chau 3
2007年2月4日 星期日
Cheung Chau 2
Saturday 03/02/07,Alliance Bible Seminary opening day.I'm knew
day before from my cousin Jimmy To.I'm when there 9:30am.Worship
start at 10:45-12:00am.I'm feel back didn't stay for worship
because meet a new friend for my job.But he can't help it & I'm
still feel fine.I'm know God be with me give me peace and James
support me.(Love you honey!!)The most I'm love they had park only
for prayer.(I'm know we can pray anywhere)Pray for me please.
Cheung Chau 1
2007年2月2日 星期五
Cooking 2
2007年2月1日 星期四
It's going to Chinese New Year soon.Everywhere on Sale
right now.I'm going to window shopping a lot.Most in
Hong Kong side,why!I'm live in Cheung Chau.Ha Ha.
Today I'm went to Crossway bay Sogo,after that I'm
ate Streamed Milk in Two Films,YUMMY.It's the best
in any other location.The one closed to Time Square.
sorry!!no picture....
right now.I'm going to window shopping a lot.Most in
Hong Kong side,why!I'm live in Cheung Chau.Ha Ha.
Today I'm went to Crossway bay Sogo,after that I'm
ate Streamed Milk in Two Films,YUMMY.It's the best
in any other location.The one closed to Time Square.
sorry!!no picture....
2007年1月31日 星期三
Tea House
Yesterday 31/1/07,James dateoff.He's so nice taked me to Central shopping.
Last time when we went I'm said want to try Luk Yu Tea House (it's very
famous in Hong Kong).After we went it's really not good at all,expensive,
not so many Dim Sum,servers not great....We only had 4 diffence Dim Sum,
it's course $150 HK dollars.Of cause we are not full yet,then we went Fat
Ka noddle place for second lunch.it's only course us $25 HK dallors.That's
means try a new reaturant is good but ask first.
Last time when we went I'm said want to try Luk Yu Tea House (it's very
famous in Hong Kong).After we went it's really not good at all,expensive,
not so many Dim Sum,servers not great....We only had 4 diffence Dim Sum,
it's course $150 HK dollars.Of cause we are not full yet,then we went Fat
Ka noddle place for second lunch.it's only course us $25 HK dallors.That's
means try a new reaturant is good but ask first.
2007年1月30日 星期二
Holy Bible 2
When you pray for yourself but your another half didn't pray
for you,what do you feel?So we can keep doing it.
But when you pray,go into your room,close the door and pray
to your father,who is unseen.Then your father,who sees what
is done in secret,will reward you.
Matthew 6:6
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his
wife, and unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her
believing husband.Otherwise your children would be unclean,
but as it is,they are holy.
1 Corinthians 7:14
for you,what do you feel?So we can keep doing it.
But when you pray,go into your room,close the door and pray
to your father,who is unseen.Then your father,who sees what
is done in secret,will reward you.
Matthew 6:6
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his
wife, and unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her
believing husband.Otherwise your children would be unclean,
but as it is,they are holy.
1 Corinthians 7:14
Holy Bible 1
My brother po brought me a book Praying the Bible for Your Marrige.
So that's help my praying for me,give me stronge.
I in them and you in me.May they be brought to complete unity to let
the would know that you sent me and have love them even as you have
loved me.
I have made you known to them,and will continue to make you known
in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I
myself may be in them.
John 17:23,26
So that's help my praying for me,give me stronge.
I in them and you in me.May they be brought to complete unity to let
the would know that you sent me and have love them even as you have
loved me.
I have made you known to them,and will continue to make you known
in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I
myself may be in them.
John 17:23,26
2007年1月25日 星期四
Japanese Restaurant
Thursday 25/01/07,I'm went to Hung Hom shopping.Of cause I'm brought
somthing (only tops)because time for loose weight)GO GO GO,YES.Sunday
18/2/07,Chinese New Year(Year of pig). Right now(SALE)but not for me.
At the night time,James friend May Wo take us to Central for reman,oh that
At the night time,James friend May Wo take us to Central for reman,oh that
was a best in the world beside Japan,YUMMY,Yum.
Name of restaurant-Sapporo Japanese Restaurant
Sapporo Japanese Restaurant
Name of restaurant-Sapporo Japanese Restaurant
Sapporo Japanese Restaurant
shop 11-12,1/f,The Forum,
Exchange Square,
8 Connaught Place,Central,
Hong Kong.
Tel:2140 6883
Exchange Square,
8 Connaught Place,Central,
Hong Kong.
Tel:2140 6883
2007年1月24日 星期三
kids from outside of Chueng Chau.Then we start talked about kid,
where we should have kid.Hong Kong or New York,because in Hong Kong most parents work hard.They never had enough time
for their kid.But when I'm saw this picture (my sister May's family).They're work also but still spend time with their kids.That
means depent what do you want to choose!
"Do not be afarid,Abram.I am your shield,your very great reward." (Genesis 15:1)
Face 1
For everyone born of God overcomes the would.This is the victory
that has overcome the would,even our faith.
(1John 5:4)
So that your faith might not rest one men's wisdom,but on God's
(1Corinthians 2:5)
Thank you my little Andrea Lam.She's so funny.
2007年1月20日 星期六
Right now I'm take a long vacations,
beside cooking,shopping,sleeping,
reading....nothing else to do,HA,ha,
it's very fun to made this puzzle,if
you see any fun shape,please let me
know (5oo come on,more 5000)
2007年1月11日 星期四
2007年1月6日 星期六
meeta new friends
2007年1月5日 星期五
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